
Friday, August 1, 2014

Why Hello There!

I know, I know...I've been very absent lately. But between cuddling the cutest boy ever, family vacations, Impressed. commissions, and building my new Jamberry business...the blog has kind of gotten pushed to the back burner. I don't get as much out of this as I do the other endeavors, so it doesn't always get top priority. But there has been a lot going on, so I figured a photo dump (at the very least) was due.
Decided to try on Daddy's shirt and walk around like a big boy

Then decided to be a pirate instead...

Showin' off his teefers!

Chad and I went camping with some friends and did a wine tour on the Leelenau Peninsula.  This was taken at our stop at Northern Latitudes Distillery.  Their Horseradish Vodka makes the best bloody mary's you've ever had.  My husband hates bloody mary's and still orders them when we are here.  If you ever make it up to northern Michigan, you HAVE to check them out.

While we were out getting our wino on, Miles was chillin' with his Great Aunt Cheryl and cousins Dominic and Samantha.  He had an absolute blast.  I'm sure he can't wait to go back!

This was our stop at Chad's favorite winery - Leelenau Cellars.  We may or may not have purchased an entire case of wine from here....

And this was the conclusion of our tour.  It was our second tour with the amazing Kim and Mitch of Traverse Bay Tours.  Any time we go back, we'll be touring with them.  And when you venture up north, you should too!

After camping it was time for some new Jams!  This one is Metallic Fade.  I love it.  I'm so sad it will be retiring at the end of August.

Miles loves to "talk" on the phone.  Here, he would dial on the keypad (he was using the emergency dialer because the phone was locked...had to keep close watch and make sure he didn't accidentally dial 911!), then say "HI!", then repeat.  It was SO CUTE.

Aaaaand...that's basically been the whole of my existence since I last updated.  Tres exciting, no?

So for my last trick, I'm going to shill my business once again - because we found out today about a (nearly unheard of for Jamberry) fabulous incentive for joining the company this month.  

And with the upcoming holidays and the great incentive to join, now is the perfect time to launch your business!  Contact me to learn how you can earn a $50 kit rebate (or host a party and get your kit for FREE)!

Also, if you’d like a look-see into my team’s page on Facebook to see why we are one of the fastest growing and highest producing teams in the company, send me a message and I’ll set you up for a 24 hour sneak peak!  Or, just go sign up!

And as always, Stay Chelish, friends.